One Last Hurrah!

Before school started this week, we got away one last time so the husband could run his SIXTH marathon. Yep. Six of them. This month he ran the Park City Marathon. When he saw the course, he was a little freaked out. It was MAJORLY uphill. He needn't have worried, though. He did AWESOME and felt great. Here he is crossing the finish line:

This event only had about 500 participants so it was a much more intimate environment, which means we had access to him almost the entire time. It was exciting, emotional, and just so amazing. I am so proud of how hard he works to complete these races. Katelyn has expressed an interest in doing a couple of races. She seems to have the same endurance her father has. I find that just astonishing. The kids were super proud of their dad; although, Kate could have done without the sweaty hug and forehead kiss as he crossed the finish line.

We stayed at the race hotel for the weekend. So nice to literally walk out the door and start and finish the race. While Brett was recovering from the race, Katelyn and I finished up her school clothes shopping at the outlets. They were packed. I guess everyone had the same idea.

We rested for the rest of the weekend and then returned home Sunday to attend church. We were tired but happy to have spent the time together. There's something very cool about having the kids all to yourself right before they head back to school. I certainly love it (except for the bed-hogging incident at 3 in the morning that I could have done without--thanks little man).

1 comment

  1. Congrats to your hubby!!! I know what you mean about having the kids to yourself before school starts! I think it is going to become our tradition... this year we drove to Madison. I live in WI and wanted someplace fairly close to drive and spend a few days, just the kids and I. Thursday we did the last of our school clothes shopping and bummed a few strip malls just over the border in MN. It was the best day!!! (Forgot my camera though :( )


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